We published some articles in Russian and foreign scientific journals. These articles include reviews and biographical sketches (M.M.Borodine
(Grusenberg), G.B.Skalov (Sinani), M.A.Komin-Alexandrowsky, E.Woog (A.Stirner), S.S.Pestkowsky) and analythical reports. The texts of some of our articles you can obtain directly through Internet. To obtain a copy of other articles from the list below you should contact us by e-mail.
Our bibliography:
N.P.Kalmykov, E.A.Larin, L.S.Kheyfetz (eds.). Komintern i Latinskaia Amerika. Sbornik dokumentov. Moscow. Nauka ed., 1998. (The Comintern and Latin America. Collection of documents)
L.S.Kheyfetz (with participation by V.L.Kheyfetz). Latinskaia AMerika v orbite Kominterna. Biograficheskii slovar'. Moscow: Institute of Latin American Studies Press, 2000. (Latin America in the orbit of the Comintern. The Biographical Dictionary)
L.S.Kheyfetz. Ustanovlenie i razvitie internatsionalnych sviazei Kommunisticheskich partii Latinskoi Ameriki. 1919-1929 gg. (The establishment and development of the international links between the Communist Parties of Latin America (1919-1929)). Ph. D. thesis, The Leningrade State Pedagogical A.I.Herzen Institute, 1978.
V.L.Kheyfetz. Kommunisticheskii Internatsional i Latinskaia Amerika. 1919-1921 gg. (The Communist International and Latin America, 1919-1921)Ph. D. Thesis, the Saint-Petersburg State University, 1998.
1. Die Allamerikanische Antimperialistische Liga und die Kommunisten // Die Liga gegen imperialismus und fuer Nationale unabhangigkeit, 1927-1937. Leipzig,1987, pp. 158-65. (L.S.Kheyfetz)
2. Bez gneva i pristrastiia: portret partizana v sovremennom mire (Sine ira et studio: A Guerrilla Portrait in Contemporary World) // Latinskaia Amerika (Moscow). 1993. #9. PP.94-96 (V.L.Kheyfetz)
3. Georgii Skalov - odin iz glavnych obviniaemych po "kremliovskomu delu" (Georgii Skalov as one of the main victims of the "Kremlin Case"// Politicheskii sysk v Rossii: istoriia i sovremennost'. Saint-Petersburg, 1997, PP.346-354 (co-authorship)
3. Internacionalistas. Con motivo del cincuentenario de la guerra nacional revolucionaria en Espana // "America Latina" (Moscu), 1988, num. 10, pp. 88-93. (L.S.Kheyfetz)
4. K voprosu o tseliach poezdki M.M.Borodina v Meksiku v 1919 g. (On the issue of M.M.Borodin's trip to Mexico in 1919 // Aktualnye problemy professional'nogo obrazovaniia i sovershenstvovaniia gumanitarnych znanii. Saint-Petersburg, 1995. PP.94-96 (co-authorship)
5. Komintern i Argentina v 1919-1922 gg. (The Comintern and Argentine, 1919-1922) // Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv sotsial'no-politecheskoi istorii. Nauchno-informatsionnyi biulleten'. 2000. 2 (12) (special), pp. 53-57 (V.L.Kheyfetz)
6. Komintern i Latinskaia Amerika (The Comintern and Latin America) // Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv sotsial'no-politecheskoi istorii. Nauchno-informatsionnyi biulleten'. 2000. 2 (12) (special), pp. 26-31 (L.S.Kheyfetz)
7. Komintern i Meksika, 1919-1921 gg. (Comintern and Mexico, 1919-1921)// Mezhdunarodnoie levoie dvizheniie. 1918-1945. Tezisy dokladov nauchno-istoricheskoi konferentsii. Saint-Petersburg, 1995. PP.22-25 (V.L.Kheyfetz)
8. Kommunisticheskii Internatsional i Latinskaia Amerika (The Communist Youth International and Latin America) // Problemy otechestvennoi i zarubezhnoi istorii. Saint-Petersburg, 1997. PP.16-21 (V.L.Kheyfetz)
9. Kommunizm s odnim m (The Communism with one "m") // Latinskaia Amerika. 1995. #9. PP.94-107, 128 (co-authorsip)
10. Krasnyi karandash sud'by. Dve zhizni Georgiia Skalova (The Destiny's Red Pencil. Two lifes of Georgii Skalov) // Latinskaia Amerika.
1998. #4. PP.84-92; #5 (co-authorship)
11. M.Alexandrovskii. Delegat Argentiny v Kominterne. Delegat Kominterna v
Argentine (M.Alexandrovsky. Argentine's delegate to the Comintern. The Comintern's delegate to Argentine)// Personazhi rossiiskoi istorii (istoriia i sovremennost'). Saint-Petersburg, Nestor eds.,
1996. PP.227-230 (co-authorship)
12. Meksikanskaia avantiura Sovetskogo pravitel'stva v 1919 g. (The Mexican Adventure of the Soviet Government in 1919) // Istochnik. 1999, #4, PP. 63-79. (co-authorship)
13. Michael Borodin. The first Comintern Emissary to Latin America // The International Newsletter of Historical Studies on Comintern, Communism and Stalinism. 1994. Vol.II. 5/6. P.145-149; 1996. Vol.III. 7/8. P.184-188 (co-authorship)
14. Michail Borodin v Novom Svete: diplomat ili agent Kominterna (Michael Borodin in the New World: the diplomat or the Comintern's agent // Americana. Vol.2. Materialy mezhdunarodnoi konferencii "Rossiia i strany Ameriki: opyt istoricheskogo vzaimodeistviia", Volgograd, 1997. Volgograd: Volgograd University Press, 1998, PP.118-132 (co-authorship)
15. M.N.Roy. Memuary. Perevod na russkii iazyk i nauchnye kommentarii (M.N.Roy's memoirs. The translation into Russian and scientific comments) // "Latinskaia Amerika", 1994, #.4, PP. 41-47, #.7-8,
PP. 162-70, #.9, PP.53-56 (co-authorship).
16. Moskva-Mechiko, 1919 g. Eschio raz o missii M.M.Borodina (Moscow-Mexico City, 1919. Once more about the mission of M.M.Borodine) // Latinskaia Amerika, 2000, ##8-9 (co-authorship).
17. My byli zalozhnikami obstoiatel'stv i sobstvennych illiuziy. Interviu s byvshim general'nym sekretariom Kommunisticheskoy partii Bolivii M. Monche Molinoy (We were the hostages og the circumstances and of our own illusions. The interwiew with the ex-General Secretary of the Communist Party of Bolivia M. Monge Molina) // Sankt-Peterburgskiie vedomosti (Saint-Petersburg), 1993, 9 of October (co-authorship).
18. El nacimiento del movimiento comunista en America Latina los origenes nacionales y la influencia externa // IX Congreso de la
Federacion Internacional de Estudios de America Latina y el Caribe. FIEALC 99. El Mediterraneo y America Latina. Tel Aviv, 12-15 de abril de 1999. Programa y Libro de Resumenes. Tel Aviv, Universidad de Tel Aviv,
1999, pp. 162-163 (co-authorship)
19. On chochet poyechat' v Rossiiu chtoby zaschischat' eyio soznatel'no.... Aia de la Torre. Komintern. Na puti v Moskvu. ("He wants to go to Russia - with a purpose to defendit consciously..." Haya de la Torre. The Comintern. On the Way to Moscow) // Latinskaia Amerika. 1998. #12. PP.94-98 (the introduction and the scientific comments to the documents. Co-authorship).
20. Panamerikanskoie biuro Kommunisticheskogo Internatsionala i Yuzhnaia Amerika. Missiia Genri Allena (The Panamerican Bureau of the Communist International and South America. Henry Allen's mission) // Latinskaia Amerika v mezhvoennyi period (forthcoming in the Center of Latin AMerican Studies of the Institute of the World History of the Russian Academy odf Sciences) (V.L.Kheyfetz)
21. "Para contar la verdad sobre la URSS..." Las primeras delegacionesde organizaciones revolucionarias y antiimperialistas de America Latina en la URSS // "America Latina", 1982, num. 12, pp. 106-117. (L.S.Kheyfetz)
22. Phenomen gerilyi: rezul'taty i uroki levogo partizanskogo dvizheniia v Latinskoi Amerike (The Guerrilla Warfare Phenomenon: the results and the lessons of the left-wing guerrilla movement in Latin America) // Aktual'nye problemy professional'nogo obrazovaniia i sovershenstvovaniia gumanitarnych znanii. Saint-Petersburg, 1994. PP.281-288 (coauthorship)
23. Pora otkazat'sia ot tendentsiosnosti i naivnosti (The time has come to abandon the tendetiousness and naivety" // Latinskaia America. 1995. #4. PP.110-114, 122 (co-authorship)
24. Porazhenie "argentinskich Leninych": Komintern, Kommunisticheskaia partiia y rossiiskaia emigratsiia v Argentine, 1919-1922 (The failure of "the argentine Lenin": the Comintern, the Communist Party and the Russian emigres in Argentine, 1919-1922 // Zarubezhnaiia Rossiia. 1939-1940. Saint-Petersburg, Evropeiskii Dom publishers, 2001, pp. 92-101 (co-authorship).
25. Praporschik Georgii Skalov: sud'ba revoliutsionera (The Ensign Georgii Skalov: a revolutionary's destiny) // Personazhi rossiiskoi
istorii. Saint-Petersburg, 1996, PP. 214-217. (L.S.Kheyfetz)
26. Psevdonim - Borodin. Nastoyaschaia familiia? Lafayet! (The Pseudonym - Borodine. And the real name? La Fayette) // Latinskaia Amerika.
1994. #3. PP.107-115 (co-authorship)
27. Psevdonim - G.Sinani (The pseudonym - G. Sinani) // Aktual'nye voprosy otechestvennoy istoriografii. Saint-Petersburg, 1997. PP.108-111 (co-authorship)
28. Quien diablos era Andrei? // Memoria. Boletin de CEMOS. 1999, marzo, numero 3. PP. 21-26 (co-authorship)
29. Tovarisch Andrei ... ne tol'ko kak posol, no i kak staryi chlen russkoi partii... ("Comrade Andrei ... not only as the Ambassador ... but also as the old member of the russian party...") // Latinskaia Amerika. 1997. #6. PP.74-87 (co-authorship)
30. Za kulisami brazil'skogo vosstaniia 1935 g. (Behind the scenes of the Brazilian revolt of 1935) // Latinskaia Amerika. 1996. #9. PP.122-126 (co-authorship)