Welcome to Lazar and Victor Kheyfetz' web-site VICTOR LAZAREVICH KHEYFETZ Born on October 4th of 1972 in Saint-Petersburg. Graduated from the Social Sciences Department of the Russian State Herzen Pedagogical University in 1994 (in the field of history). In 1998 defended Ph.D. thesis in World History titled "The Communist International and Latin America. 1919-1921.". Lecturer in Political Sciences and History at the Institute of the Decorative Art (Saint-Petersburg), 1994-1998. Lecturer in Modern and Contemporary History at the Sant-Petersburg Jewish University (1994-1995, 1997-1998). Senior Lecturer at the Board of North American Studies of the Faculty of the International Relations of the Saint-Petersburg State University (spring-summer of 1998). Part-time researcher at the National Insitute of Antropology and History (Mexico City) (autumn 0f 1998 - summer of 1999). Senior Lecturer at the Board of Philosophy and History of the Nortn-Western Politechnical Institute. In 2000 was a reader of the course titled "The International Terrorism. History, theory and contemporaneity" at the Open Classes of Smolny Institute of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Post-doctoral researcher in the Institute of Latin America of the Russian Academy of Sciences (the Center of the Sociological and Political Analysis of the Societies in Trsnasition). Autor and co-author of articles in Russia and abroad. Additional professional training: 1998 The International Summer School in Political Science and International Relations (Krynica Gorska, Poland, 1998). 1998 The Intensive course of the European Law (Jean Monnet Center of the Europeran Studies of the Nicolas Kopernicus University) (Torun, Poland) 1997 The International Summer School in Political Science and International Relations (Mierki, Poland, 1998). 1996 The International Summer School in Political Science and International Relations (Mierki, Poland, 1998). 1992 Bard College (Annandale-on-Hudson, NY, United States of America). International student. LAZAR SOLOMONOVICH KHEYFETZ Born on August 2nd of 1946 in Klintsy. Graduated from the Department of History of the leningrade State Herzen Pedagogical University (field of history). In 1978 defended Ph.D. thesis in World History titled "The establishment and the development of the internatinal links between the Communist Parties of Latin America. 1919-1929.". Occupied different research and administrative positions at the Central Institute of the Rising of Professional skills of the specialist in the professional education (1972-2000), the full professor of the Central Institute since 1999. Lecturer in history and associate professor at the Saint-Petersburg Humanitarian Universuty of Trade Unions (1989-1996). Lecturer in History and associate professor at the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Free University in Saint-Petersburg (1995-1997). At the moment the post-doctorate researcher at the Saint-Petersburg State University. Representative of the Institute of Latin America of Russian Academy of Sciences at Saint-Petersburg. Vice-Rector of the Academy of the Public Relations (Saint-Petersburg). Author and co-author of articles in Russia and abroad. THE WEB-SITE IS IN THE PROCESS OF CONSTRUCTION WE OFFER YOU TO VISIT IT LATER THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION |